Alhamdulillah with the help of almighty, we were able to distribute 150 Kidu’s on the 1st of May 2021, as planned. The kidus are for 150 families and not just for individuals.
All praise to Allah…
Our initial target was 100 Kidu’s but it rose up to 150 as everyone in the batch showed their interest in obtaining a kidu and it was beyond our expectation. Nevertheless, the things went pretty smoothly than we expected. Almost everyone contributed towards this charity, and our thank goes to them who supported financially, physically and with their duas.
The responses show us the meal was good enough to serve everyone in your families, and it was tasty as well ☺
We (Batch 2002) would like to take this opportunity to thank all Members who were behind this from day one and supported in all the possible ways to make this project “Let’s Suhoor Together” a success.
And my special thank goes to,
Our Immediate Past President Shiraz, PPA President Zaniffer, Brother Nuzfal, Brother Sharafath & Brother Fazmy Kamil who voluntarily came forward to help us in so many different ways.
Jazzakallah Khair.

Mohamed Asif