101st Annual General Meeting

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Mr. Alavi Mukthar presided at the 101st Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the OBA of Zahira College held at the historic Ghaffoor Hall on March 20, 2022. The AGM was keenly followed by a packed to capacity attendance.

The meeting commenced with the customary recital of Qirath by Mowlavi Irshad Humaidhi and then followed by the sequences of College Anthem, recitation of dua in memory of all the deceased members. This was followed by reading the notice and minutes of the previous meeting as well as the Annual Report of 2021 and the adoption of the Audited Report which was circulated among the members.

The following Office – bearers were elected to the OBA Executive council for the year 2022.

Patron (Appointed)

  • Desamanya Prof. M.T.M Furkhan

Vice Patrons (Appointed)

  • Mr. Aslam Omer
  • Mr. M.F.S.Muheed


  • Mr. Alavi Mukthar

Vice Presidents

  • Mr. M.R.A. Razaq
  • Mr. B.M.Rafeek
  • Mr. N.M. Shiraz

Hon. Gen. Secretary

  • Mr. Nuzri Munsoor

Hon. Asst. Secretary

  • Mr. M.K.M.Ifras

Hon. Treasurer

  • Mr. M. Haaziq Jaleel

Hon. Asst. Treasurer

  • Mr. Hussain Azad

Hon. Sports Secretary

  • Mr.Azhar Salahudeen

Hon. Internal Auditor

  • Mr. K. Rishard Raheem

Hon. Editor

  • Mr. A.M.M. Muzammil

Hon. Social & Welfare Secretary

  • Mr. M. Azwer Ismail

Hon. Information Technology Secretary

Not elected

Hon. Coordinator for Affiliated Bodies

  • Mr. Jawfer Us Sadiq

Executive Committee Members:

  • Mr. Farzan Shabdeen
  • Mr. J.S.M.Rafi
  • Mr. M.F.Marso
  • Mr. F.M.Nazrullah
  • Mr. A.L.Anver
  • Mr. M.Ashraff Rumi
  • Mr. M.A.A.Rusney
  • Mr.M.B. Aufer Johar
  • Mr. M.M.M.Naveez
  • Mr. Anas Hussain
  • Mr. Fariz Nilamdeen
  • Mr. M.N.M.Nazly
  • Mr. Hikam Hussain
  • Mr.M.H.M. Falul
  • Mr. Shafraz Salley


Mr. Alavi Mukthar profusely thanked all the members for electing him as the President of the OBA and assured to continue the good work to the letter and in good spirit. He underscored the importance of unity among fellow Zahirians and urged everyone to sink their differences and collectively work for the betterment of mother Zahira.

The Presiding Officer, Mr. Hanan Malik skillfully conducted the proceedings with steady composure and with a sense of professionalism. The participation was somewhat unprecedented. It was pleasing to see a large number of Old Zahirians assembled in the spirit of camaraderie and had the delicious lunch together and waited patiently till the conclusion of the election.

All in all, AGM was successfully conducted at Zahira, one of the oldest schools in the country with a heritage of 130 years!

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