OBA’s tribute to Namiz

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When the unexpected occurs, we become shell-shocked and our minds are befuddled. 

This was the case when the untimely demise of brother M.M.K.Namiz reached us all. It not only sent shock-waves through many Zahirians, but also to dear and near ones and the general community on the whole.

His passing is an irreplaceable loss to Zahira because Namiz metaphorically breathed the air of Zahira, and the alma mater was close to his heart and soul until his death.  

He was actively involved in college development, and him being a former member for the Board of Governors, OBA Executive Committee member, Past President Group of 90, Member of PTA and President of Veterans, speaks volumes about his unwavering commitment and pledge of allegiance to Zahira.

His contribution to sports is unparalleled in Zahira’s history. He captained the Cricket, Soccer and Athletic team in 1988, as well as played Rugger. He was also Runner-Up for the national Most Popular School Boy Cricketer in 1988. Due to his outstanding leadership qualities, he was appointed as Head Prefect in 1991.

Namiz was a live-wire at OBA meetings. He was not only regular in attendance, but was also punctual and was always an active participant. Furthermore, he was a priceless asset, stoutly defending what he thought was right by citing the ‘Cardinal Law’ code, without fear or favour. 

One of his outstanding characteristics is that he never harbuored any grudge toward anyone, and walked the talk when it came to the mindset of “With malice towards none, with charity for all”.

He possessed sharp with and a sharper tongue, and an OBA meeting will never end without a sumptuous feat and a witty joke or anecdote unleashed by Namiz! 

The OBA will dearly miss Namiz’s light-hearted and on-point banter. 

After the Janaza prayer at the Maradana Mosque, Mother Zahira honoured her illustrious son. The Principal together with Vice Principal and the college Perfects humbly escorted his Janaza to the vehicle. The Maligawatta burial grounds overflowed with an unprecedented crowd and was a testimony to the affection and respect Namiz had inspired in many a heart. 

Today, OBA’s one and the only “Lion” is no more, but his memory and legacy of goodwill will linger in our minds for many moons to come. May Almighty Allah forgive all his sins and grant him Jannathul Firdous.

After Janaza prayer at Maradana Mosque, Mother Zahira did honour its illustrious son. The Principal together with Vice Principal and the  college Perfects humbly escorted his Janaza to the vehicle. The Maligawatta burial ground was overflowed with unprecedented crowd and literally turned into a “Sea of humanity”. This bear ample testimony of Namiz’s popularity. Indeed, he has earned a reservoir of goodwill and respect among the people.

Today, OBA’s one and the only “Lion” is no more. But his thought will linger in our minds for many moons to come. May Almighty Allah forgive all his sins and grant him a  Jannathul Firdous.

Majeed Muzammil

Fellow of the Institute of Management (UK) and Diploma holder in Journalism (UK). Author of the book, "Agony of Bosnia". Ex- Project Manager of the Gulf Catering in the Middle East.

Currently freelancing at a leading Muslim NGO in Colombo.



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