The OBA’s Souvenir Shop was ceremonially declared open by the Principal, Mr. Trizvi Marikkar on the 25th of November 2017, at the Swimming Pool complex. Immediate Past President Mr. Riza Abdeen, graced the occasion as a Chief Guest.
Among the participants were Vice Principal, Mr. Ananda Ponnamperuma, Librarian Mrs Anoja, and a number of distinguished guests, as well as all the affiliated group presidents and secretaries. The function commenced with Qirat recitation by Vice President, Mr. Rafeek Buhary.
Five smartly dressed young OBA members (Firdous, Yusri, Shiraz, Fariz and Riyaz ) showcased OBA blazers and sports outfits, as well as catwalk talents!
The launching of the Souvenir Shop is yet another feather on OBA’s cap, which was conceptualized by none other than its charismatic President Mr.Azmi. The rest of the OBA members rallied around him to make it a reality.
The Souvenir shop features a bookcase which encourages reading and practices free borrowing of books so as to foster the spirit of acquiring knowledge and education and freely as possible.
In his speech, Mr. Azmi outlined this concept and reiterated the value of reading and its significance. He further elaborated that reading is a critical part of children’s learning and mental growth, and acts as a doorway to imagination and discovery. He further advised parents to inculcate reading habits at a young age itself. To encourage and motivate reading habits among children, books and magazines from the Souvenir Shop can even be taken home.
Mr. Azmi further pinpointed that a large stock of unsold souvenir items and memorabilia lying at the store could be marketed through this Souvenir Shop for OBA’s overseas branches. Lastly, Mr. Azmi remarked that this is the first time in OBA’s history, over 6 million LKR is lying in favour of OBA ’s bank account and he assured the Principal that the OBA will donate a substantial amount to purchase a new bus for the college.
The Principal, Mr. Trizvi Marikkar thanked OBA for initiating the Souvenir Shop project and emphasized that finding the right book at the right time can light an emotional spark within children that motivates them to read more, understand more, and read joyfully. He envisaged establishing a science library lab for the benefit of the students.
Mr. Akram Mowlana, secretary of OBA and Mr. Riza Abdeen, Immediate Past President of OBA gave brief speeches as well.
The vote of thanks was delivered by Mr. N. M. Shiraz, and the event was compered overall in an inimitable manner by Mr.Haaziq Jaleel, yet another young rising star of Zahira.

Majeed Muzammil
Fellow of the Institute of Management (UK) and Diploma holder in Journalism (UK). Author of the book, "Agony of Bosnia". Ex- Project Manager of the Gulf Catering in the Middle East.
Currently freelancing at a leading Muslim NGO in Colombo.